About Us
Mission: Strengthening community through creative partnerships
Community Partnerships RC&D Council, Inc., an independent non-profit agency conducts regional environmental and cultural programs in Pennsylvania in Juniata, Mifflin, Montour, Northumberland, Perry, Snyder and Union Counties.
The Council is governed by a board of directors and programs are carried out by professional staff led by an Executive Director.
All Council work is conducted within our mission to help the community through creative partnerships in culture and the environment. Funding comes through local, regional, state and federal sources.
We receive an annual Financial Review from an independent CPA, submit an annual 990 Report to the IRS and Council finances and programs are open to inspection. A contracted professional accountant also works part-time in the office to ensure sound fiscal practices.
Community Partnerships RC&D offers you a variety of opportunities through our programs and projects to become involved in making your community a better place to live. Please contact us for more information.
What is an RC&D?
Local Resource Conservation and Development Councils are unique and independent non-profit organizations made up of volunteers and staff who identify unmet needs in their communities and create solutions that work. In essence, they are a catalyst to make good things happen in your community. Programming is funded through a variety of means including state and federal grants, local foundations and fee for service work.
We are Community Partnerships RC&D, your local version of this program (we are not a governmental agency but help make sure our communities benefit from opportunities from a variety of local, state and federal funding mechanisms). We have a volunteer Council, a small staff and many project partners. Our programs work to improve the health of our land through conservation and enhance the vibrancy of our culture through the arts.
Past Projects and Partnerships
Food Bank Scanner Project in partnership with the United Way of Mifflin-Juniata
Juniata Clean Water Partnership
Friends of R.B. Winter State Park
Rural Dry Hydrant Program
Seven Mountains Scenic Overlook
PA Quilt Trails
Folk and Traditional Arts Documentation
Young Scientists and Artists Camps
Butterfly Release Days and Pollinator Education
Rec Park Farmers Market (Vendor owned and operated) and associated education events and SNAP/EBT capability
Rain Barrels
Grant Writing
Month of Music Series
The PA Canal Celebration
Lock House maintenance and preservation
Rural Stream Signs